Word game with a golf motif !!! …

Coverage Interrupted by Power Failure …

Up here in the booth we experienced a loss of energy that has resulted in LOUSY COVERAGE of this tourney !!! … Hopefully we will have that rectified for the upcoming event … In the mean time , a quick update of the last 5 holes …

Bev was the only one that gained ground as the rest of the field carded a lot of red ink !!! … 10 BOGEYS and 2 DOUBLE BOGEYS !! … However , Bev scored 2 BIRDIES with Ann adding one of her own …

Gary got out of sync going Double Bogey / Bogey / Bogey before saving Par … Dropping out of the lead but made the 18TH more interesting by scoring an …

… on the 17TH … But … Unless Bev pulls a Norman , it looks like she’ll add another trophy to her cabinet !!! …

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